Friday, December 28, 2007


We're in our 7th or 8th snow of the season and are already #3 total for the season. Here's a clip for the sunbirds to enjoy.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007

Had a good Christmas this year. Didn't have to plow/shovel snow with a couple of nice days after a couple of days of 40 mph wind and snow.

Nice pile of presents,

The little meal before the big meal.

Table all ready for........

This, if we can get it away from Jake.

Grandma doing her usual great job.

Taylor and Jake being good.

Taylor passing out the loot.

Opening those presents was work.

Taylor's tree.

I didn't get my Harley!!!!!

This don't happen again for a year????

Who, me?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's winter in the north!

Here's something you Southerners miss out on. Merry Christmas to one and all!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Trick or Treat was today! If you click on any photos in the blog they will enlarge. Then use back arrow to return.

Here's Jake.

Here's Taylor and her cousin Matty

Something happened today. The first annual horse parade with entries from quite an area. There has gotten to be a large horsey group around here and they're starting to have events. Not a long parade (45 Min) but some nice Halloween costumes and horse rigs.

Friday, September 28, 2007


I was told to update my blog more so here it is; Nothing happened today!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Kate and the kid were here overnight so she could do things. Got him practicing his lady charmer smile. Also a nice shot with Grandma.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Jacob's Aunt Sara came from California the 28th to check him out and immediately got put to work.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Our 30 % chance of rain hit 100%. Awoke to the sound of thunder with rain and lightning. Photos are our top soil prep area a couple days ago. Just about had it pumped out last nite. Haven't checked it this morning yet.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

We went back to the hospital today for Jacobs baptism. Greg's parents visited yesterday and wanted to be there for the baptism but had to return home in the morning
This is the hospital Pastor who performed the baptism right in Kate's room this afternoon.
He's already turning onto his side and actually raised his head while held sitting halfway up. Don't know if he knew what he was doing.
Forgot something! Jacob is the son of Kate and Greg Sutton. They now reside in Kenosha, WI.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Here's our newest family member; Jacob Ron Sutton, 7.1 lbs., 19.5 in. arrived 9:21 A.M., Monday August 20, 2007.